
Does any of your previous incarnations as a composer for such 80s TV shows as "Magnum, P.I." and "A-Team" help get you in the right mindset for doing the work?

Well, of course, those are the early series that I worked on when I first got into the business were in the 80s. But, in the sense that they were sort of like an evolution. I mean, we were just talking about the history of scoring. It was an evolution. The one innovation that Mike Post and Pete Carpenter, who were the composers and I worked with them and I was one of their team who was producing, writing a lot of music for those scores was to have an orchestra and then a rock rhythm section. Now, the 70s was more about funk, and was more jazz focused with some rock. But, the 80s which was very much the post Carpenter era had these additions.

But, that aspect, of having an orchestra and then having a rhythm section within the orchestra, was something that I definitely gained a lot of experience writing for in the 80s. That was what those gigs were. Every week I was turning in cues, writing cues and had an orchestra to record it. Of course it had this rhythm section of drums, guitar, keyboard and bass that had that feel.

So, that certainly and I know this is a long winded answer - but certainly that prepared me. This was not an unfamiliar territory for me. Let's put it that way. Even though stylistically, ultimately it is different.